Beautiful horses treated to a wonderful lifestyle.

horseback riders looking at camera

Thinking About A Dude Ranch? Start With Trail Riding Here in Lake Worth!

Sometimes we think of what people from a hundred years ago or more would think of us and everyone who comes for trail riding at Pink Flamingo Stables. After all, for thousands of years horses were simply beasts of burden, used to pull plows or wagons. If someone rode a horse, it was to get them from one place to the next. They probably had no concern for the horse’s wellbeing beyond the financial aspect of the creatures, and they certainly weren’t riding for fun!

People from the past might laugh at us when we’re treating our horses so well, spending time with them, and riding for fun. But you know what? We don’t care! We’re perfectly happy trail riding and teaching people how to ride here in Lake Worth.

But as tough as people used to have it, people of today still like to get back to the way things once were. In this country, one of the most popular ways to rough it is to go to a dude ranch. People spend a lot of money to get back to the way things were 150 years ago…but once they get there, some people realize they made a mistake! If they arrive and find out that they aren’t really enjoying themselves, it can be a wasted vacation.

So, what could possibly give them some time with horses before paying out thousands to help on a dude ranch? Why not get a little preview with an hour trail ride here at our Lake Worth stable? And finally, what can a single hour horseback riding do? Let’s take a look.

Get A Feel For Horses

Everyone loves horses! Right? Right?! Well, the truth is that not everyone enjoys horses as much as they think they might. Sure, they love images of horses in paintings, and the way that cowboys care for their horses in movies. But once they get near a horse, they might find that they’re intimidated by them. Horses are big creatures, and as gentle as they are they can still be frightening to some people.

If you take a trail ride with us and find that you just can’t get used to riding a horse, maybe a dude ranch isn’t for you.

Dealing With Horse Foibles

Some people just can’t get used to horses’ foibles. The most obvious thing that some people can’t seem to get over is the fact that horses just drop their waste anywhere — and anytime — they feel like it. This idea of a pet/companion not being able to control themselves can be a little difficult for dog and cat owners to get over.

When on a trail ride, some people have no problem from the first time it happens. Other people just can’t seem to get over it no matter what. Wouldn’t it be nice to try some horse riding in Florida before you spend a week with them in Wyoming?

We Can Help You Know If You Even Like It!

Will you like horse riding? There’s really no way to know until you try it! The fact is, some people who think they’ll love it could take it or leave it when they’re done. Sure, most people find it quite soothing, but wouldn’t it be nice to know before you drop all that money on a dude ranch?

People also discover some physical issues while riding horses that convince them that they might want to think twice before heading out west. Some discover that their backs and horse rides don’t mix. Others find that the swaying might make them motion sick, which isn’t so bad if you have some Dramamine. Still, wouldn’t it be nice to know you needed it before you got to the Wild West ranch?

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Get Some Practice With Us!

Considering the number of people we see in a year — kids and adults alike — we’re pretty certain you’re going to love trail riding with us. It’s only after you find out that you should sign up for that dude ranch! And if you love trail riding, you might want to come back a few more times and have horseback riding lessons to get you ready for your trip.

We’re ready to get you on a horse here at Pink Flamingo Stables. Schedule your rides here!